2024 Fall Core Groups

A Core Group is more than a Bible Study. It is a small group of friends doing life together!

If you are interested in joining a group, please fill out the “Get Connected” form on our Home Page.

Also, you can email one of our leaders for more information by selecting their name. If you don’t see a Core Group that works with your schedule, let us know & we will do what we can to start a new one [email us @ info@ysuchialpha.com]


Mondays @ 4:30 pm across from the Cove

 Ashton – arschwiger@student.ysu.edu

Tori – vmshankle@student.ysu.edu

 Thursdays @ 6:30 pm @ Britni’s House

Britni – Britni_glaser@yahoo.com

         Fridays @ 6:00 pm @ Hannah’s House

Hannah – hcarduini@seu.edu



Mondays @ 4:00 pm in The Cove

Oliver – oproo2004@gmail.com

Edwin – edwin.pat@outlook.com

 Thursdays 4:00 pm in The Cove

Andrew – amcerbus@student.ysu.edu

Austin – alangus@student.ysu.edu     

Thursdays @ 2 pm across from the Cove

Joe  – joeweser@gmail.com   

Jim  – jepirigyi@student.ysu.edu